Home Main Interviews Winners European Hotel Awards 2020
European Hotel Awards 2020
Interviews Winners

Flavio Colantuoni | General Manager of the Year 2020 |

Hotel Partners & Hoteliers participants since 2018

By Site / 10/04/2022

Anna Albuixech | General Manager of The Year

Hotel Partners & Hoteliers participants since 2018

By La rédaction / 10/04/2022

Interview Hans Henrik Kjoelby | Historic Hotel of the Year

Hotel Partners & Hoteliers participants since 2018

By La rédaction / 09/04/2022

Anti Lepik | Executive chef of the Year | Special Award

Hotel Partners & Hoteliers participants since 2018

By La rédaction / 09/04/2022

Georges Blanc | Millenium Recognition Award | 2020

Hotel Partners & Hoteliers participants since 2018

By La rédaction / 09/04/2022

Albert Adrià | Most Innovative Chef and Restaurant

Hotel Partners & Hoteliers participants since 2018

By La rédaction / 09/04/2022

Enoteca Pinchiorri | Restaurant of the Year | Special Award 2020

Hotel Partners & Hoteliers participants since 2018

By La rédaction / 09/04/2022

Thierry Lavalley | Urban Life Style Hotel

Hotel Partners & Hoteliers participants since 2018

By Site / 09/04/2022

Daniel Muñoz | F&B Manager of the Year 2020

Hotel Partners & Hoteliers participants since 2018

By Site / 09/04/2022

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